A View From the Easel

Lakshmi Rivera Amin, Hyperallergic, September 24, 2023



Makiko Harris, London, United Kingdom


This is my corner of a studio I share with two other artists. All three of us recently graduated from the Royal College of Art, London and earned our MA in Contemporary Art Practice. I feel immense gratitude and privilege to have the opportunity to pursue doing what I love. 


A studio has always been a safe space for me, a haven where I could be fully immersed in an interior world, hatching ideas that are not yet ready to come into contact with the public. Since moving to London two years ago to pursue my degree and grow my practice, I have moved studios seven times. Many of these studios were as simple as a desk in a large open-plan space with lots of other people around. The challenge of the last few years has felt vulnerable, yet has only deepened my conviction and commitment towards my practice. 


Now that I’ve finished my degree, I hope to settle into this space and stay for a long time. I’m working on multiple projects concurrently. I always like having several things happening at once, so I can rotate to something else while the first is drying or otherwise processing in my brain. Which projects I gravitate towards or avoid on any given day usually is a signal towards what’s happening in my interior world. I am so grateful to have artmaking a part of my daily life as a compass and guide.


Read more: https://hyperallergic.com/845012/a-view-from-the-easel-215/